13 Weeks and 1 Day

Sunday, March 29, 2009 2 comments

Hey There! So, today is the first day of my 15th week of pregnancy. Just this past week I have started noticeably growing. Right now all of my organs are up really high making room for my uterus that is moving up towards my belly button more all the time. Most of the bulge right now is from my organs having moved up, but my uterus is growing all the time! By the end of this month it will be the size of a small melon and the baby will be 5 inches long, just the right size to cradle in one hand. I am big enough now that my regular pants aren't fitting anymore. So, we went shopping for a few essentials at the maternity store. That was fun :) I got a pair of jeans and a pair of Capri's as well as a few t-shirts and 2 long sleeve shirts. Thank you, Mark and Elaine, for the gift certificate... it helped so much! What girl doesn't like wearing new clothes?!

I am very thankful to have moved out of the first trimester and into the second! I have not had any nausea for the last couple weeks and my cravings and such have also died down quite a bit and I am feeling so much better! Although I am still tired all the time, I hear that sleepiness is to be my constant companion for the next 5 months :) So, that is very normal!

Now that I am getting a little bigger, it is becoming more and more real to me, what is going on in there! Today, while in church, it just hit me how amazing it is, what the Lord is doing in my womb... creating a life! I mean, wow, He can do that! How awesome is the God I serve? I couldn't open my mouth in worship without tears coming to my eyes. It is truly exciting.

I cannot wait to feel the baby kicking for the first time. I'm sure that will bring me to my knees in amazement as well. Our next OB appointment is on April 11th. Then on May 11th we have our ultrasound that will reveal the sex of the baby!! I just can't wait to find out what we are having and to be able to refer to the baby by name! I am already praying that the baby will be very cooperative on that day!

Well, that is all for now, more to come later!


  • jrima said...

    Hey Jill - i just had to chuckle a little at your typo ....... you were saying how you went shopping, and got some capris and a few "t-shits" ...... just had to laugh a little!! Love you!


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