Mt. Baker Weekend

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 0 comments

This past weekend, we had the privilege of traveling up to Mt. Baker with the youth group, as leaders for the winter retreat. It was Friday night through Sunday evening. Man, was it ever the perfect weekend to be on the mountain. Saturday was our only full day there and that was the day that there was a huge chunk of free time and everyone had the opportunity to go skiing, snowboarding, or sledding. It was between 32 and 36 all day,the sun was out and the beauty of God's creation was so apparent.

Matt headed to the slopes for some snowboarding fun and I stuck to the sledding with my co-leader, Cynthia and one of the girls from our group, Kaitlyn. It was a lot of fun. After sledding for a while and not wanting to climb back up another time, we just sat on our sleds, in the snow, with the sun shining down on us and watched everyone else. I think that is the most fun I've ever had in the snow :) I think it is really the cold that I dislike! Snow without the bitter cold is actually quite enjoyable! Who knew?

So, anyway, we were able to spend some quality time with the kids in our groups and to let them get to know us a little more, too. The worship and the speaker were great and I think it met the kids where they were and gave them a lot to think about. I know that a few girls from my group defiantly made some realizations about their lives and I'm hoping that they remember and continue to work on the things that they learned at camp. It was a short weekend, packed with activity, so there was not much sleep, a lot of time when the kids couldn't focus and a little bit of meaningful interaction. I think for a being freshmen, our groups did pretty well and we look forward to watching them grow in their faith and into young adults with focus :)

Thanks for your prayers while we were gone, they were much appreciated! I don't think I would have made it without them, what with the lack of sleep, "morning" sickness and car sickness. So, thank you!


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