29 Weeks

Friday, February 4, 2011 1 comments

Once again I am a little late getting this post up here, but what can I say? I've been very forgetful! This picture was taken last Sunday at 29 weeks. In 2 days, on Sunday, I will be 30 weeks!

Last week I did have my glucose test that I have been so nervous about! It was not a walk in the park, but I made it through ;) I drank the drink, by the way, the orange kind is worse than the lemon-lime I had last time... I'll need to remember that next time! I got my blood drawn... after 3 nurses and 3 pokes, and 1 killer bruise, someone finally got it and with less than a minute to spare!! I was so thankful not to have to take the test over again. And I am happy to say I am diabetes free and my Iron levels are good!

Other than that, Kahlan is now the approximate size of a: butternut squash!

About 16 inches long and just over 3 pounds.

It is funny, she has developed a sort of pattern. She is super active for a day and then for a day or 2 she is less active and more sleepy... I much prefer the active days, they set my mind at ease, but I am also glad that so far she appears to be a good sleeper. Although, once out of the womb, things could be different... who knows!

My next appointment is this coming Tuesday. Then, 2 weeks later we have a 32 week ultrasound, a non-stress test and another appointment. Then in March I will start going into the Dr twice a week. Once for an NST, and another time for an NST, an AFI (amnictic fluid index) and an appointment. I am looking forward to so much supervision and knowing that IF something starts to go wrong, we will have a heads up and plenty of time to take action. SO, that is where we are right now and what is coming up for us in the next month and a half. Little Kahlan should be here in about 2 months, and I am beyond anxious and excited!! We'd love it if you all would continue to pray with us for Kahlan's health and safe delivery and for our peace of mind, knowing that God is in control. Thanks so much for following our journey... more updates to come ;)


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