Recent Happenings

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 0 comments
Matt's newest project is restoring this bike. He recently got it from some friends of ours as a kind of, you fix it, you keep it thing. So, he has been spending his free time buying parts,looking up online tutorials, and hanging out in his parent's garage borrowing tools. At this point it is almost done and he is eagerly anticipating his first ride! It has been a really good deal for us, actually... we get a $700 bike for the $125 cost of repairs! Just in time for summer, too :)
Another fun thing, Matt recently went to the Oh Boy Oh Berto office in Kent, as part of a project he is working on and when he was leaving, they gave him this bag full of their products. There is probably $30-$50 worth of beef jerky and pepperoni sticks of all possible flavors in this bag! Matt LOVES beef jerky, so he was pretty excited! So far, out of all the ones we have tried, our favorite is by far the BBQ Pork jerky... mmmm... super yummy.
As for me, I have been spring cleaning. I know, I know, it is not spring yet! But, I thought I would do it while I was motivated. Otherwise, it might not get done :) This is a picture of our stocked pantry. The neatness and organization you see here continues throughout the apartment, which is a euphoric thing, for a neat freak like me!! I am so excited about my uber clean house! Here is hoping it lasts at least two weeks ;) Oh, by the way, we are not stockpiling food or anything, we just have a SUPER shallow pantry, so we have to stack up rather than out ;)


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