Getting Stuff Done

Friday, June 5, 2009 0 comments

We have been getting a lot of stuff done these days!! Every room except for the baby's room is totally done. I just want to say WAHOOOO!!! It is such a relief! There are still small things to be done, like clear some clutter away and finish the decorating, but for the most part...DONE!

We also have a bunch of stuff piled up in the baby's room that needs to be donated or sold. Today I put our futon on Craigslist and by 2:30 someone came and picked it up! So, that clears up a bunch of space in the room and puts $50 in our pockets. So, that was excellemt :) We also just bought a new coffee table! We have had our eyes on it, for a couple months now. We didn't have the money when we first saw it on sale and then the price went back up and we decided to wait and see if it would go on sale again. Then we walked by it in the store the other day and it was half off and only 1 left on the shelf! So, we grabbed it and brought it home :) We really like it!

As for the other areas of our lives (the whole unpacking one has been pretty pervasive as of late!)... This month is looking to be a very busy one. We have things scheduled almost every weekend already! Mostly Family stuff. Dan and Celeste (Matt's sister and her husband) are both graduating this month and Dan is having a birthday, so we are looking forward to celebrating with them. Then, my friend, Christina, is going to help me with a sewing project one weekend! We are going to make some new padding and slip covers for the cradle that we got handed down to us. Just something to match more with our color scheme :) So, that will be good to get done! God bless her for helping the sewing challenged!! Then, at the end of the month we have our Spokane baby shower! I am super pumped about that. Both my parents are going to be there and that is just so exciting for me!!! I am really looking forward to being able to be with them for a weekend and for them to see me with my baby belly and be able to feel Parker kicking :)

In other news, Matt has joined a kickball league! It is starting up this Sunday and we are thinking it will be a lot of fun! He has been itching for more activity and unfortunately I am not in the best position to join him right now. So, i am glad that he has found other people to enjoy more activity with. A few other people from our lifegroup are joining as well and I will be cheering from the sidelines. Maybe it will be an opportunity to get to know other people and also further deepen relationships we already have.

Oh, yeah, and the picture here is what I see when I look down... SO BIG!! So round! This picture is at 23 weeks and it is hard to picture myself sitting there with an even bigger midsection!

Well, I think that is all for now, I have much cleaning to get back to! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!!


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