Six Years - A Trip to Remember

Friday, December 31, 2010 1 comments
These past couple of days, Matt and I have spent taking time out to go on a short trip for our 6 year anniversary. We went to Friday Harbor on San Juan Island. We stayed at the wonderful Friday Harbor House and spent the days exploring the gorgeous Island and all of it's food offerings :) We went with no real plans except to do whatever we wanted and to have a nice dinner out. Our room had gorgeous views of Friday Harbor and we heard of some other places that also offered great views of scenic vistas :) So, 2 of the main places we decided to check out were South Beach and Lime Kiln State Park. So, we went to those places and stopped at every scenic outlook and random gorgeous place along the way!

Here is a view from South Beach

Here is a view from Robert's Redoubt

Here is a Lighthouse at Lime Kiln State Park

Along with exceptional views, the Island also offers many different kinds of yummy cuisine to choose from! We had lunch at the Blue Water Bar and Grill. They have really good burgers and sandwiches and amazing french fries to go with! We also lunched at Cousin Vinnie's Authentic New York Cafe, which offers 32 varieties of pizza, which was also very good. For our nice anniversary dinner we decided to go to Vinny's, which is a nice Italian restaurant near where we stayed. It was not a disappointment! The Chicken Parmigiana that I had was VERY good. The light crunch breading on the chicken was perfect and I loved the clean spaghetti and veggies it was served with. Even the Lemonade was great :) Matt also enjoyed his Flat-Iron Steak with veggies and fingerling potatoes.

Here are some pictures of us on our night out

Overall, the trip was better than we even expected! It was totally relaxing and energizing. We loved having no schedule or obligations and being able to just roam around and explore. I also love anyplace that has an abundance of choices of local coffee shops and espresso stands ;) It was a great way to celebrate! I'm so thankful for my wonderful husband and the past six years we've had together. We have had a lot of up and downs in that time, but through it all he has been by my side the whole time, always there for me and always supportive. I love you, honey!! Here's to growing gray together <3

If you want to see all of the pictures from our trip, just follow this link:


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