Getting Ready!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010 0 comments
Today and tomorrow I will be packing!! I'm heading to MN on Saturday morning to spend time with friends and family and help prepare for and be in SETH'S WEDDING!!! I can't believe my little brother is going to be a married man, but I am so excited for him and Laura! They are so perfect for each other and Laura fits right into the family, I love them so much and can't wait to celebrate with them :)

I will be gone a little over 2 weeks. The first week, I will be spending at the home of our close friends, Lars and Erica. I get to meet the new addition to their family... Annika Joy!! SO excited to meet this long-anticipated little one. I have been praying for her for so long, and now she is here and I get to meet her. :)

Although, it is a little bittersweet. I can't help but be sad and disappointed that Parker will not be with me on this trip. Yet another scenario that his presence was planned for and is now a sad reminder of his absence.

Anyway, the last part of my trip will be spent at my parents' home, getting ready for the wedding and spending time with family (one of my greatest joys). Then, right before the wedding Matt will be joining me... YAY!!! I'm gonna miss his face. We are both in the wedding party and are excited to be a part of this special occasion! So, we'll be there for all the wedding fun and craziness and then hanging out a day or so afterwards as well.

Then, finally heading home together. Our dog, Annie, is going to be so CRAZY when we get back, I'm sure of it! She has major separation anxiety! But, hopefully being at Mark and Elaine's with them, in a place she is familiar with, will make it easier on her :) Then there are the cats... they will be SOOO cuddly for a couple days after not seeing us for a while :) Although, we do have someone watching our place, feeding them and saying hi. Plus, they have each other, so I don't think they will be too bad off!

Well, guess i better go get started with that packing thing I mentioned before :) Here goes!


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