Christmas Cards

Saturday, December 19, 2009 2 comments
This Christmas WAS the first Christmas that I was going to be all on top of things and get a letter put together and hand make cards and send them to all of our friends and family to let them know about all that has been going on in our lives for the past year. I love getting those updates from other people, and I say every year that I want to do it and every year I put it off until it is too late or too stressful or what have you.

This year I decided to put it off again. Mostly because the majority of people already know what has been going on the past year and more notably how it has ended... and if they don't know for some reason, it is not exactly something you want to put in a Christmas letter. So, until next year.

But, I did end up making some cards for Matt's co-workers and boss. I used my very favorite Christmas stamp and stuck with my favorite color, green, and I really like the way they turned out! Though, I think my favorite part is the little crystal at the top of the tree :) I am such a girl!

Anyway, all that to say, I didn't write an update letter, but I did get to make some cards, and I think that is good enough for this year. Maybe next year will be the year it all comes together!

Merry Christmas to everyone and may you have a blessed New Year.


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