Kahlan's Birth Story

Sunday, June 5, 2011 2 comments
Well, 2 months later, but better than never!! All our guests are now gone and we have finally developed a bit of a schedule and gotten used to life with this little one :) Here is the story of her birth, as promised!

So, on March 29th we went in for our Amnio and they found that Kahlan's lungs were very well developed and the ultrasound showed that she was doing very well. But, it also showed that there was pressure building in the umbilical cord which is one of the first signs of placenta failure. So, she was not yet affected, but, since her lungs were fully matured they wanted to be safe rather than take any chances. So, my parents arrived at this point and came straight from the airport to the hospital.We went straight from getting the amnio to Dr. Stemmerman's office. There she placed the foley in order to start me dilating. Then we went and checked into the family maternity center to begin labor! The men went out and brought us lunch, we oohed and awed over some baby clothes my Mom brought with her and before I knew it the contractions began getting more intense. I asked for an epidural. I was at 5 cm now and wanted to get some rest before the pushing began. I figured I would have plenty of time... but, I layed down and after 10-15 minutes of trying to fall asleep I became increasingly agitated and emotional. The nurse decided to check me and she said I was at 10 cm now and she was calling the Dr!! I said "what?! already? but I need a nap!!". Ends up the Dr. was monitoring me from her office and decided to come check on me just in time! In no time flat they had my bed apart and everything in order and were asking me if I was ready to push. So, the pushing started and just as I felt I was getting into a good rhythm and pushing really well they said ok, just a few more and she'll be here! I was seriously in shock by how quickly everything was happening! After 3 hours and 45 minutes of labor and 10 minutes of pushing, she arrived!!! She came so quickly that she still had a bit of fluid in her, but they sucked that all out, and handed her over for us to hold her for the first time... in our ARMS! What a great feeling :) Best ever. She was premature and a little on the small side, and I had preeclampsia, so we stayed in the hospital a little longer than normal. We actually ended up getting released the day that we were originally scheduled for induction :)

We took our baby girl home and had a wonderful time getting to know her :) My parents were staying with us and helped out so much!! It has been a bit of a whirlwind ever since!! Hopefully now that life has settled down a bit now and we are finding our new normal, I will be able to keep up with the blogging again :) We'll see, I suppose!


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