Six Years - A Trip to Remember

These past couple of days, Matt and I have spent taking time out to go on a short trip for our 6 year anniversary. We went to Friday Harbor ...

Thanksgiving in Minnesota

Alright, I wanted to get this post about our Thanksgiving up before Christmas is here!! I keep meaning to and forgetting... pregnancy brain....

We're Having a Girl!!!

Last week we had our 20 week ultrasound. I get so nervous every time I go to the Dr. Nervous I won't hear what I'm longing to, that ...

17 Weeks

So, I am 17 weeks and 3 days pregnant :) A lot of growth is going on right now! My uterus is now the size of a... cantaloupe! And the baby i...

Passing Time...

These are a few of the ways I've been passing the time while Matt has been away on his business trip! One day my friend Ashley came by t...

15 Weeks

As of today I am 15 weeks and 4 days pregnant :) This week baby's ears are in place and because of that, he/she can hear me when I speak...

Just a Thought?

Phillipians 4:4-9 "Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near...

14 Weeks

I am currently in my 14th week of pregnancy :) This coming Sunday is the official beginning of my second trimester! Whohoo! With it, it brin...

How Embarassing...

I have been a bit extra emotional lately. Probably something to do with all those ramped up hormones running through me :)So, keep that in m...

Mmm... Soup

This weekend we were having some friends over and I wanted to make soup. That started me in search of a recipe. I wanted something yummy and...

11 1/2 Week Picture

As promised, here is the first belly picture :) Now you can see that indeed, I am much bigger than I was at this point with Parker!

A Visit from My Parents

This post has been in the works forever... just waiting to be written as I do a million other things, ignore it, forget about it, try to com...

Week 10

This post is a little late in coming, but I didn't want to spend valuable time with family in town, blogging. So, better late than never...

A Weekend in Spokane :)

This past weekend we ventured over to Spokane and Coeur d'Alene. Our main reason for this trip was to meet my newest 2nd cousin, Emery M...

My Favorite Time!!

Ahh... fall! My favorite time of year!! It is like a breath of fresh air after a warm and busy summer. Life starts to slow down a bit, the w...

A Seaside Vacation

Well, it has taken me longer than I wanted to get around to this post, but, "better late than never" I always say! The last weeken...

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